Eating well is about eating Real Food most of the time and not following the latest fad diet.
Eating real is about cutting out the sugars, added salt, artificial sweeteners, fast food and ultra-processed foods and eating more whole fruits, vegetables, whole unprocessed grains (oats, quinoa, farro), beans, lentils, nuts, fresh meats and eggs, and much more.
Check out these Eating Real Nutrition tips & resources
- Go to KP Food for Health to get a full listing of recipes
- Learn how to Cook with Herbs and Spices
- Tips on how to manage sodium intake with a sample menu
- Learn more about the DASH diet to help manager blood pressure
- Watch this quick video about “Why is a Calorie Not a Calorie”
- Print out a unprocessed food shopping list for your next trip to the supermarket .
- See what a healthy plate looks like. It also includes a sample menu.
- Learn how to read and understand a food label
- Learn about the good, bad and “ugly” of fats
- Cutting out sugary drinks greatly reduce the added sugar in your nutrition. See how much sugar is in your drink and discover other healthier beverage options.
- Check out the 61 names of sugar
- Review Fiber facts
- Learn how to meal prep and get some easy, tasty meal prep ideas
- Tips on how to add more vegetables in your diet
- Shop at local Certified Farmers’ Market to get tasty, seasonally, fresh produce.
- According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 9 out of 10 adults consume too much salt and about 70% of it comes from eating processed foods.
- Read about sodium in your diet and 10 ways to reduce it