Virtual Healing Circle
Be part of a Healing Circle
If you are burned out, experiencing moral injury, or on a personal path where it might help to express your feelings, being part of a Healing Circle may be right for you. We want to invite you to this virtual emotional well-being activity on Friday, March 22, 12:30 p.m. on Teams, where you will have an opportunity to step out of ordinary time and into a safe community of sharing and generous listening through a structured session with trained facilitators, Huyen Friedlander, LMFT, EAP Consultant and Deborah Conway, Project Leader, Permanente Medical Group.
Limited to 10 people, first come, first served basis, complete this form by March 20 if you are interested. You will receive a Team meeting invite with more information after you register.
When: Friday, March 22 at 12:30 p.m.
Where: on Teams. Register to receive a calendar invite
Learn more about the works of Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen and Healing Circle Global, including these two brief videos “What Healing Circles Mean to Me” and “What is a Healing Circle?” .
If you are interested in have a Healing Circle for your department, please email Huyen Friedlander, EAP consultant.
Date(s) - 03/22/2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm