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Life Care Planning Workshop

Life Care Planning Workshop

Who will represent your health care wishes if you are unable to speak for yourself?

Join this workshop to learn about Life Care Planning including:

  • The role of a Health Care Agent.
  • How to complete an Advanced Health Care Directive to make your Health Care Agent(s) and health care wishes known and legally valid.
  • What to consider when making important decisions about Life Care Planning.
  • It is best to make these important decisions after carefully considering your values, beliefs, and experiences.

When: Wed. August 14, 12:30 p.m.

Where: Teams. Complete this online form to pre-register. Once received, we will email you a Teams calendar invite for the workshop.

For questions or to pre-register, please contact:

Date(s) - 08/14/2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
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